Blockchain games upcoming

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These 3 Crypto Gaming Projects Are About To EXPLODE! (Mainstream Adoption)
The Most Anticipated Crypto and NFT Games � UPDATED: Lavish titles like Parallel and Deadrop are poised to redefine blockchain gaming. � Parallel. The Ember Sword release date is now possibly sometime in , according to Sune from SoCouch Studios. Ember Sword is a blockchain-based MMORPG being developed. A comprehensive list of various Web3 gaming projects launching in � The ultimate Web3 games list for � Shrapnel � Illuvium � MetalCore.
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While transitioning from alpha to beta in May , highly anticipated mecha space title Phantom Galaxies from Animoca-owned Australian developer Blowfish, is now set to launch early access on Epic Games on 15th November A unique role-playing game called Portal Fantasy incorporates features of both conventional and blockchain gaming. We were excited about Guild of Guardians even before it underwent a complete reboot and changed co-development team, going from an action RPG into a roguelite squad RPG � in our eyes a significant upgrade.