Coinbase not letting me sell

coinbase not letting me sell

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There could be several reasons why you may be experiencing difficulty selling your Ethereum on Coinbase. Here are a few possibilities to. If you reside in one of the states that supports the Coinbase USD balance, sells into your USD balance will occur instantly. European Customers. Since your. You cannot sell your bitcoin on Coinbase because Coinbase does not offer a direct way to sell bitcoin. Coinbase only allows users to buy and.
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If you are still encountering issues with selling your crypto on Coinbase, it is recommended to reach out to Coinbase support directly. Ensure that the cryptocurrency you are trying to sell is supported for trading in your location. Review and confirm the sale: Verify the details of the sale, including the amount, fees, and final payout. Coinbase acts only as a service provider connecting you, the validators, and the protocol. This app may collect these data types Location, Personal info and 6 others.